Wednesday, May 6, 2009

what's this world coming to?

I am appalled at the amount of skin young girls are showing.....and it's not pretty skin, either. If it jiggles and hangs, it should be kept private. Do they not look in the mirror before they leave the house? just because something is in style (meaning the skinny models are wearing it) does not mean that it's flattering for everybody. And what's with the low slung pants on guys? Do they think I have a desire to see their underwear? Why don't the clothing companies make low waisted pants so the crotch won't be at their knees. Seems like they'd save a lot of fabric that way. I guess every generation comes up with something that shocks the previous generations.......we had our hip huggers, after all, but our poor boy sweaters were tucked in.

Ok, this has been bothering me for a long time. Why do people continue to have children when they can't afford medical care or food or housing or any of the basic needs. I get so tired of my taxes paying for somebody else to keep shucking out children, when I limited the size of my family to something I could afford. I don't want to sound unkind, but it seems as if the people having all these children they can't afford are not smart and they're bringing more not smart people into the world. The average IQ is dropping at an alarming rate.

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